Wednesday, January 17, 2007


As Kate recently mentioned , we have discovered the power of the hair dryer! At times this is the ONLY thing that will calm Lucas down from one of his scream fests. So thank you Conair, you are a lifesaver.

Another shout-out definitely goes out to BABYBJÖRN! We had been counting the ounces until Lucas was big enough to go into his BabyBjörn, and alas the time has come:

Also, this picture reminds me that I need to shave.

And last but not least, check out Lucas's new friend:

His baby friend down the street, Mia, liked her UglyDoll so much that she got one for him too. Thanks Mia!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We too counted the ounces until our little guy could fit in the bjorn-that thing is a miracle.

Congratulations-he's very cute!